Needham High School Class of 1964

This was the page to offer reflections on the 2009 reunion and what it meant to you.  Unfortunately we only had contribution, and it was from first-time attendee Kathy (Katie) Buckley Reilly.

Reflections Going Back....Then Moving Forward....45th High School Class Reunion
by Katie Buckley Reilly

Forty five years later....
i admit...
I had forgotten...

45 years later,
refreshed by all my teenage memories....
a myriad of loving flashbacks....
of friendship,
of connection,
of youth
and emotion unhurled....

45 years later...
I remembered--
with exuberant enthusiasm--
that I was part of a
group of beings
who learned how to work
take care of their families,
their parents,
their children....
their friends....
Staying connected to each other
By doing good deeds
that affected all around them....

45 years later,
I am reminded ....
these very fine people....
have earned all that surrounds them...
their loyal friends,
their homes,
their organic farms,
their education,
their insurance...
their parents' love...
they are heartfelt caregivers,
making this planet
a gentler place....
for all of us........
who stroll this earth.

45 years later
I am reminded....
with heartwarming widsom....
We are all the sum-part of the whole....
We are all pieces of a larger puzzle,
Bringing that adolescent spirit from
the lockers in our school corridors,
to the tables of our 45th reunion.....
And that spirit--
renewed and refreshed--
nourishes our souls.....
each hour,
each day...
in the years to come....

Bravo to us,
Bravo to us,
We scream cheers from the high school hill
To the VFW Hall,
Needham, 02194....
We dance and sing....
And with adamant exultation...
we prove ourselves to be loyal surviviors,
Of hardship, of losses .....
and of joys...

We walk away,
Quietly content....
We have blossomed and evolved....
We are steadfast
in realizing....
it is only in venturing back
That we are able--and willing--
To move forward....
To leap forward....
To dance forward...
To strut forward....
To 2014.....

With love and gratitude to each classmate who worked so hard in providing this magnificcent my Life....
Kathy Buckley Reilly

And thank you to my dear sister Barbara who greeted me at her door with the enthusiasm of a mother who had just watched her daughter attend her first prom.....Barbara, you were SO WONDERFUL, so generous with your love and time...

My heart is full.


Webmaster's Note:

Katie is very passionate about her politics.  This is her automobile, which she drove to the reunion:

Kathy Buckley Reilly's automobile

She describes it as "a car with a cause....the cause is my appreciation for vets....every morning, Fred, I walk free because of the brave men and women who have dedicated their lives .... past and present."  If you would like to follow Katie's political thoughts, please visit her blog at: (entries through 2013)


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