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Memories of WBRU
in the 1960s
Brown University

The following pictures were taken on June 25, 2005 by
Fred Brack (top), Les Blatt (middle), and Peter Tannenwald (bottom).

Taylor and Begleiter in lobby
Fred Taylor and Ralph Begleiter
Production Studio
Host Greg Mazurek with Jon Cowan and Larry Maier
Main Studio (1)
DJ Vasco with Fred Taylor in background
Main Studio (2)
Ralph Begleiter with DJ Vasco
BSR Studio (1)
Jerry Hubeny, Jack Edmonston, Peter Tannenwald, Richard Epstein
BSR Presentation (1)
Bette Schultz, Jack Edmonston (rear), Les Blatt, Paul Payton, Jerry Hubeny
BSR Studio (2)
Jerry Hubeny, Jack Edmonston, Peter Tannenwald
BSR Presentation (2)
BSR hosts Meagen, Toni, and Shauna,
with Mark Jordan


The following pictures were taken by Les Blatt

Rob Sloan, Barb Bertsch Boyd, Rick Pike
Don Harris
Don Harris
Berns and Pike

Don Berns and Rick Pike

Aaronson, Maier, Tannenwald
Stu Aaronson, Larry Maier, Peter Tannenwald
Norwalk and Brack
Art Norwalk with Fred and Kathy Brack
Brown Bear
The Brown Bear!


The following are stills taken from Pete Tannenwald's DVD of the event

Sloan and Ogden
Rob Sloan, host Greg Mazurek of WBRU, Dave Ogden, and Barb Bertsch Boyd
Rick Pike
Rick Pike with Greg Mazurek
BSR Banner
Third floor, EAST wing of Faunce House now
Jerry Hubeny
Jerry Hubeny at BSR
BSR Staff
Our hosts at BSR, Paul McCarthy and Shauna Duffy


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